Effortless data collection
Development of a national veterinary practice-based equine health surveillance system that enables key clinical data to be collected automatically from commercial practice management software. The data is uploaded into a centralised database in near real-time through secure electronic transfer systems.

Close collaboration with practitioners
VetIntel was designed “by veterinarians for veterinarians” ensuring use of the system was easy for participating practices and outputs are focussed on real needs of the sector.

Easy insights
The customised suite of data analysis and visualisation tools allow users to easily explore trends while maintaining confidentiality of animal owners and veterinarians. Complex data and AI tools are applied in the background to augment the data set and maximise insights.

Muellner P, Muellner U, Gates M, Pearce T, Ahlstrom C, O’Neill D, Brodbelt D and Cave NJ. Evidence in practice – a pilot study leveraging companion animal and equine health data from primary care veterinary clinics in New Zealand. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 3:116 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00116, 2016.
Available here
Muellner P, Pearce T, Muellner U. Using primary care data to provide biosecurity intelligence and surveillance data for the New Zealand equine industry. Proceedings of the 15th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2018.
Pearce T, Muellner P, Muellner U. Utilising opportunistic primary care data for equine disease surveillance in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 15th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2018.
Pearce T, Muellner P, Gates C, Muellner U. Equine primary care data surveillance in New Zealand – a dream come reality? New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, June 2018.
Muellner P, Pearce T, Gates C, Muellner U. Count your horses – towards real-time surveillance of equine health in New Zealand. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) Science Week, Surfer’s Paradise, Australia, 2017.
Pearce T, Muellner P, Gates MC, Ahlstrom C, Muellner U. Horse power: establishing equine primary-care data surveillance in New Zealand. International Conference for Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS 3), Rotorua, New Zealand, April 2017.
Muellner P, Gates C, Muellner U, Pearce T, Ahlstrom C, Cave N. It’s the interface, stupid: engaging veterinarians to provide data for practice data-based surveillance in equines and companion animals. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) Science Week, Surfers Paradise, Australia, 2016.