We are excited to invite you to an upcoming free webinar to learn about openFMD. During the webinar we will provide an overview of the platform, share our journey to jointly create the platform and demonstrate the tools included. The webinar will be run in the format of an interactive "fireside chat" and there will be dedicated time for participants to ask questions and engage.
Online (45 min webinar)
18/19 September 2024

What is openFMD?
The rapid and open dissemination of genomic and epidemiological data provides critical support to trace Food and Mouth Disease Virus (FMD) lineages circulating globally. To support this ambition we created openFMD, an open source portal maintained by the FAO World Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (WRLFMD) / The Pirbright Institute, UK, to support pathogen surveillance and stimulate the real-time exchange of data between laboratories and disease control initiatives.
- openFMD provides a platform to promote global sharing of FMD information and open collaborations for FMD research, by addressing data gaps and improving transparency, in order to gain a better understanding of the epidemiology and evolution of globally circulating FMD virus lineages
- openFMD facilitates the retrieval, analysis and dissemination of FMD surveillance data, including global epidemic intelligence, genome sequences and disease determinants
- openFMD offers a portfolio of analytical resources for FMD and makes use of both sequence and epidemiological data. It includes highly specific tools such as PRAGMATIST, which allows users to prioritise antigens held in vaccine banks for FMD
Click here to find out more about the openFMD project
View the recording here
openFMD is a collaboration between the FAO/WOAH FMD Reference Laboratories Network, the FAO World Reference Laboratory for FMD (WRLFMD) at The Pirbright Institute and the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD). The openFMD initiative is realised thanks to the support of many collaborateurs that contribute with their expertise, time, funds and technology to ensure that FMD data can be shared rapidly, and analytical tools are made openly available to the FMD research community. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of research groups and FAO, WOAH and other FMD Reference Laboratories from all around the world who continue to share FMD data with a common ambition to gain a better epidemiological understanding and assist improved disease control. The platform has been made possible by the technical cooperation of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD). OpenFMD was co-designed and developed by Epi-interactive.